How to plot tree of multiclass model?

I trained a simple multiclass model on the classic Iris dataset and I would like to plot its tree structure.

I never had issues using xgboost.plot_tree() with binary models, because XGBoost creates exactly the number of trees specified with n_estimators and each one contributes to the average final score used to classify a sample. With multiclass softmax output (3 classes in this case), XGBoost instead grows 3 trees for each boosting round to classify each class against the others.

The num_trees parameter is used to choose the tree to display, but in a multiclass scenario I noticed that it only displays trees for the first class. I used the m2cgen package to convert a XGBoost model to C code and I verified this behaviour with a simple 3-depth and 1-tree model.

This is the prediction code:

static void predict(double* input, double* output)
    double var0;
    if ((input[2]) >= (3)) {
        var0 = -0.0731302053;
    } else {
        var0 = 0.143147215;
    double var1;
    var1 = exp((0.5) + (var0));
    double var2;
    if ((input[2]) >= (3)) {
        if ((input[3]) >= (1.79999995)) {
            if ((input[2]) >= (4.9000001)) {
                var2 = -0.0710059255;
            } else {
                var2 = -2.55448485e-09;
        } else {
            if ((input[2]) >= (5)) {
                var2 = 0.0103448248;
            } else {
                var2 = 0.136686385;
    } else {
        var2 = -0.0715736076;
    double var3;
    var3 = exp((0.5) + (var2));
    double var4;
    if ((input[3]) >= (1.70000005)) {
        var4 = 0.13333334;
    } else {
        if ((input[2]) >= (5)) {
            var4 = 0.0599999987;
        } else {
            var4 = -0.0730878264;
    double var5;
    var5 = exp((0.5) + (var4));
    double var6;
    var6 = ((var1) + (var3)) + (var5);
    memcpy(output, (double[]){(var1) / (var6), (var3) / (var6), (var5) / (var6)}, 3 * sizeof(double));

And this is the plotted tree (it corresponds to var0):

How can the other trees be plotted using xgboost.plot_tree()?

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance

This might be a bug. Can you post a reproducible example?

Yes, I prepared a small script that loads a trained multiclass model, convert it to C code using m2cgen and plot the first tree.

You need to install matplotlib and m2cgen packages.

Let me know if you need assistance in reproducing this.
