How to set xgb-params in spark

I try to use xgboost(0.72) in spark(2.1) to train a regression model。
here is my code
val paramsMap = List("eta" -> 0.1, "subsample" -> 0.8, "colsample_bytree" -> 0.8, "max_depth" -> 8, "objective" -> "reg:linear", "eval_metric" -> "mae", "lambda" -> 5, "silent" -> 1).toMap
val reg = XGBoost.trainWithRDD(train_rdd, paramsMap, 128, 4)
then i check the model file. the metadata is below
as you can see, The parameter is still the default
So How to set regression model parameter correctly?

@CodingCat Any idea about this? Do we support save() method?

can you try 0.8x

0.72 might has bug there

Our cluster’s spark version is 2.1, it seems like not fit 0.8。
And i want to know, Though the parameter in metadata is default, the parameter in model is what i set ?