Is mlflow support distributed XGBoost model?

our team is working on combining the mlflow framework with the xgboost model. Previously, I use single-instance xgboost model to train, which works fine with mlflow to log all the model-related parameters by using " mlflow.xgboost.autolog() ", but when i change to distributed xgboost version changing from python package to JVM package by including the xgboost4j.jar and xgboost4j-spark.jar files, and also include mlflow module into it, (“mlflow.xgboost.autolog()”). The mlflow cannot show all the parameters on the page. They are empty. enter image description here

So I looked at the source code in the mlflow.xgboost, in line 271, “def autolog(importance_types=[“weight”]):” says it imports the xgboost package, which i think is the single-instance xgboost model, I wonder if it is support the distributed version? Or is there any other methods to solve the problem? Thanks!

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