Meaning of kRtEps


I’m looking at the source code. I see a hardcoded variable bst_float kRtEps = 1e-6f in base.h

In the code it’s used in the condition whether to split or not to split. For example, in line 650 of src/tree/

if ( > kRtEps) 

Also there is gamma regularization parameter, which is same as min_split_loss, that is used in prunning only.

So, my question is: is kRtEps effectively the lowest bound for gamma?

It’s the lowest threshold that we consider when splitting a leaf. AFAIK it should have the same effect as gamma, meaning that it will prevent splits that provide minimal gain, but is applied every time we evaluate a split, instead of at pruning time.

@thvasilo Thanks for the reply. I wonder why can’t we use the actual gamma value instead of kRtEps. Then we wouldn’t need prunning, right?

Pruning is an optional step. kRtEps is mostly there so that we don’t split because of floating point errors.

If someone wanted to create a model that fits the data perfectly (i.e. overfits) they would use the model without pruning.

In order to provide that option, pruning (or regularization) is done separately.