Xgboost dll size

Hi all,

I want to use xgboost in production, however dll size is quite large. Is there a lighter version (for example inference version) that I can use?
Or any other solution that exists as a smaller size package?



The DLL is large because it contains dependencies necessary to enable GPU functionality.

You may save space by install XGBoost using Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge py-xgboost-cpu

which won’t support any GPU algorithm.

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Thank you @hcho3
Is there a possibility to perform a similar installation with pip rather than conda?

You can ask pip to use the source package:

pip install -v --no-binary xgboost xgboost

This will invoke the C++ compiler on the host system to build XGBoost from the source and produce a lean library.

Note: this may not work well on Windows