Xgboost0.72 when tried to compile with spark2.3Cloudera3 errors out


I tried to compile xgboost0.72 with spark2.3cloudera3. It is giving me below error. Any suggestion to fix it?

[ERROR] cannot be applied to (java.net.URL)
[ERROR] mapper.readTree(url).findValues(“totalCores”).asScala.map(_.asInt).sum

We have pre-built JARs available on Maven Central.

Can you please point me to the pre-built jars for xgboost0.72 with spark2.3cloudera3. Because I didn’t see jars with this combination.

This one? https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ml.dmlc/xgboost4j-spark/0.72

@CodingCat Are there multiple variants of Spark? If so, do we support only one of them?

yes, companies like cloudera(hortonworks) have their own distro of Spark…some of them have breaking changes over vanilla version

We can only support vanilla version, that means Apache Spark from github.com/apache/spark

@CodingCat That make sense. We may want to clarify that in the documentation. (“XGBoost4J-Spark requires vanilla Spark”) It would be nice if Cloudera provided their own build of XGBoost.

we actually talked about that “XGBoost4J-Spark is a project aiming to seamlessly integrate XGBoost and Apache Spark by fitting XGBoost to Apache Spark’s MLLIB framework.”

@CodingCat I see now, but previously it wasn’t clear to me (an outsider to Java world) that only vanilla Spark would be supported (or that there are incompatible variants of Spark). I submitted a small patch to make it super clear: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/pull/3854.