Compile Error: 'src/common/ref_resource_view.h:79:32: error: member reference base type 'Span' is not a structure or union'

I am new to xgboost and try to compile the project from scratch in Linux for the latest tag 2.0.0. However, I came across with the same error src/common/ref_resource_view.h:79:32: error: member reference base type 'Span' is not a structure or union' when compiling with gcc and clang. Could someone help and give some advice here?


UPDATE: fix the compile issue by change the line79 with return size_ * sizeof(T);. Not sure if it will bring any side effect.

BTW, the error is on version 2.0.0

Which GCC were you using? In general, we use GCC 9 or later when building XGBoost.