Re: Docs for Installing `xgboost` for Python on Windows

I wanted to post here before submitting an issue on github. I’ve recently been experimenting with the TPOT python package. TPOT can use XGBoost and I’m glad that it does because some of the best models are from XGBoost!

In the XGBoost docs under “Installation Guide”, I read…

If you are planning to use Python on a Linux system, consider installing XGBoost from a pre-built binary wheel. The wheel is available from Python Package Index (PyPI). You may download and install it by running

The TPOT docs also state

Windows users: pip installation may not work on some Windows environments, and it may cause unexpected errors.

Given all that, there’s a perfectly good wheel on Christoph Gohlke’s webpage:

Should XGBoost docs be modified to alert people to this option?

If you’re unfamiliar with Gohlke’s webpage, it’s a wonderfully useful resource for many in the Python/Windows crowd.


Does it have the GPU support?

It appears the answer is no :

XGBoostError: b'[13:07:36] d:\\build\\xgboost\\xgboost-0.71.git\\src\\ XGBoost version not compiled with GPU support.'

Do the linux/mac wheels on PyPi have GPU support?

There is only Linux wheel on PyPI now, and that wheel supports GPU. I’m hoping to have GPU-enabled wheel for Windows in the near future.

The binary wheel is now available for Windows. Just run pip install xgboost. It has been compiled with GPU support, but you can run it on machines without a GPU.