Topic Replies Activity
How to overcome the memory limit in XGBoost version for R with GPU? 1 September 17, 2022
Error While Train XGBoostClassifier 1 September 13, 2022
Xgb trained in R and loaded into Java giving different predictions 1 September 9, 2022
Version 1.6 Availability On Conda Forge 7 August 11, 2022
Is there a way to print a DMatrix as ASCII or JSON? 4 August 3, 2022
Can averaging multiple xgboost models improve predictions? 1 July 16, 2022
Does validation data influence the trained model? 3 July 15, 2022
Monotone_constraints as non linear 1 July 12, 2022
How to get SHAP values 1 June 29, 2022
TypeError: predict() missing 1 required positional argument: 'X' 2 June 20, 2022
Why is feature subsampling not made by default in XGBoost? 1 May 19, 2022
Why has rebalancing my data actually lead to better calibration? 2 April 27, 2022
Incremental training of xgboost with fewer classes present 2 April 19, 2022
How do I train two XGBoost models at the same time? 2 April 13, 2022
XGBoost ROC AUC during training does not fit to the end result 1 April 12, 2022
Can allocation be optional for XGDMatrixCreateFromMat 5 April 12, 2022
Loading old xgboost model into new version 4 April 8, 2022
CWE-120 on xgboost by dependency track 4 February 11, 2022
Help with Baysian Hyperparameter tuning 1 February 10, 2022
Dask xgboost partial dependence plots? 1 February 4, 2022
Print_every_n doesn't work 3 February 1, 2022
Tree_method exact and approx in Scala and Spark models (XGBoost v0.8) 2 January 28, 2022
We used Xgboost to build 2 January 28, 2022
A potential bug in Poisson regression: eval_metric="logloss" vs "poisson-nloglik" 4 January 27, 2022
Feature selection 1 December 28, 2021
Load old sklearn api version of xgboost 1 December 12, 2021
Jupyter kernel dies when upgrading xgboost v90 to > v1.0 1 December 10, 2021
ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32') 8 November 18, 2021
Xgboost Booster vs future for DaskXGBRegressor.predict() 5 November 10, 2021
Will old XGB GPU build work for new RTX 3080? 3 November 3, 2021