
Topic Replies Activity
Xgboost 1.7.6 - ValueError: Feature shape mismatch 2 September 30, 2023
Feature_weights does not work properly 5 September 28, 2023
Incremental Training with new features and labels 4 September 22, 2023
Unexpected Short Training Time When Removing Feature Dimensions 4 September 21, 2023
MLeap Serializing the XGBoost model using PySpark API 3 September 20, 2023
XGBoost : measuring n_jobs speedup (Python / scikit-learn interface) M1 Mac 4 September 15, 2023
Shap explanation of XGBoost Classifier 1 September 13, 2023
Building xgboost4j on macos: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.XGBoost 2 September 11, 2023
In R iterationrange=c(1,100), and I Python iteration_range = (0, 100), are they the same? 1 September 8, 2023
Is xgboost's n_estimators=10000 a lot? 1 September 7, 2023
Problem when trying to install federated plugin 11 September 7, 2023
[jvm-package]XGBoostSpark: the job was aborted due to 2 September 6, 2023
Performance difference by OS (Windows vs Linux) 1 August 30, 2023
XGBoost performance scaling with RAM speeds 10 August 30, 2023
Eventual typo in the documentation 1 August 29, 2023
RabitTracker __init__ error when training a SparkXGBClassifier on EMR 1 August 28, 2023
How to get base_score from trained booster 5 August 26, 2023
What optimizations and modification XGBoost does? 1 August 22, 2023
Xgboost cross-platform results problem 1 August 22, 2023
Data width affects GPU memory usage and run time? 1 August 18, 2023
Probabilistic class label for xgboost 1 August 16, 2023
C/C++ use python trained model 1 August 16, 2023
Saving models from SparkXGBClassifier 1 August 9, 2023
Hinge loss explanation 1 August 8, 2023
Predicted probabilities fail tests 1 August 6, 2023
`.predict` `iteration_range` unexpected behaviour 3 August 1, 2023
Quantile splitting 1 July 19, 2023
XGBoost with Dask debugging 1 July 14, 2023
Does the order of the features matter in XGBoost? 1 July 13, 2023
Using XGBoost for Random forest in R: "num_boost_round not used" 1 July 13, 2023